Friday 8 January 2016

Aston Martin being sued for $100 million Dollars - IndiaCarPoint

Aston Martin is being sued by its former designer Director Henry Fisker who filed a $100 million dollars civil extortion Lawsuit against Aston Martin for preventing him to reveal a new super car concept ‘Force 1’ on the upcoming Detroit Auto Show 2016 next week.

Aston Martin Logo

The former star Designer Director Henry fisker created V8 vintage and DB 9, among other cars, released the Sketch of Force 1 viewing the top-view.

According to Fisker website, force 1 production will begin in April 2016.

Teaser image of Force 1
Force 1

The cold war between Aston Martin and Henry Fisker begin at spring of 2015, when Aston Martin filed a lawsuit against Henry Fisker for annihilation his Thunderbolt GT with Aston Martin vanquish, and violated Aston Martin intellectual Property. The case ended when Fisker agreed on not producing its Thunderbolt GT.But the war didn’t ended, after Fisker revealed the teaser image of new designed Force 1, Aston Martin wrote a letter to Henry Fisker not to showcase Force 1 in the upcoming 2016 Detroit Auto show; in the response Henry Fisker filed a lawsuit of $100 million Dollars on Aston Martin for preventing him on revealing Force 1.
Henry Fisker earlier worked for BMW and Joined Aston Martin in 2001-04, where he designed Z8 Roadster. He co-founded Fisker Automobile Inc. in 2007 but it was declared bankrupt in 2013.

Source: GariPoint 


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